Understanding Biological Water Treatment

Explore biological water treatment: nature's eco-friendly solution for clean water. Learn how microbes purify water and why it's ideal for homes and industries. BioprocessH2O explains.

Biological water treatment system. System uses bacteria cleaning microbes to filter water.


In an era where water scarcity and pollution are growing concerns, innovative and sustainable water treatment solutions are more crucial than ever. Biological water treatment is a nature-inspired approach that harnesses the power of microorganisms to clean water. At BioprocessH2O, we specialize in biological water filtration systems that offer efficient, and cost-effective solutions for our clients. In this article we will cover the basics of Biological water Treatment.

What is Biological Water Treatment?

Biological water treatment uses living organisms, primarily bacteria, to remove contaminants from water. This method mimics the natural purification processes that occur in rivers, lakes, and wetlands. By creating controlled environments where these microorganisms can thrive, we can accelerate and optimize the water cleaning process. Some types of systems that use this include MBBRs and MBRs.

This approach is effective in removing a wide range of contaminants, including organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other industrial pollutants.

How Biological Water Treatment Works

The core principle behind biological water treatment is the ability of certain microorganisms to consume organic pollutants as a food source. Here's a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Microorganism growing: Good bacteria and other microbes are introduced or allowed to naturally colonize a substrate within the treatment system. There are several different types of substrates, or bacteria apartments, if you are curious on types feel free to contact us.
  2. Biofilm formation: These microorganisms form a biofilm - a thin, slimy layer that adheres to surfaces in the treatment system.
  3. Contaminant breakdown: As water flows through the system, the biofilm captures organic pollutants. The microorganisms then break down these pollutants, using them as a source of energy and nutrition.
  4. Waste removal: The byproducts of this process, along with excess microbial growth, are periodically flushed from the system.
  5. Clean water output: The treated water, now with significantly reduced levels of contaminants, exits the system.
Here is an example of a piece of media with the bugs grown on it that will treat the wastewater
Here is an example of a piece of media with the bugs grown on it that will treat the wastewater

This process can be fine-tuned and optimized for different types of wastewater and specific contaminants, making biological water treatment a versatile solution for various applications.

Advantages of Biological Water Treatment

Biological water treatment offers several significant advantages over traditional water treatment methods:

  1. Environmentally friendly: By using natural processes, biological treatment reduces the need for harsh chemicals, minimizing environmental impact.
  2. Cost-effective: Once established, biological systems often have lower operational costs compared to chemical treatment methods.
  3. Self-sustaining: With proper maintenance, the microbial communities can continually regenerate, providing long-term treatment capabilities.
  4. Versatile: Biological systems can be adapted to treat various types of wastewater, from municipal sewage to industrial effluents.
  5. Effective contaminant removal: These systems can effectively remove a wide range of pollutants, including those that are difficult to treat with conventional methods.
  6. Reduced sludge production: Compared to many chemical treatments, biological processes often result in less excess sludge, reducing disposal issues.

Common Applications

Biological water treatment systems find applications across various sectors:

  1. Municipal wastewater treatment: Cities and towns use large-scale biological treatment plants to process sewage and stormwater.
  2. Industrial wastewater management: Industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and paper mills employ biological treatment to clean their effluents.
  3. Aquaculture: Fish farms use biological filtration to maintain water quality in recirculating systems.
  4. Groundwater remediation: Contaminated groundwater can be treated using biological processes to remove pollutants.
  5. Greywater recycling: Homes and buildings can use small-scale biological systems to treat and reuse greywater for non-potable purposes.
  6. Landfill leachate treatment: Biological systems can help manage the complex wastewater produced by landfills.

BioprocessH2O's Approach to Biological Water Treatment

At BioprocessH2O, we use biological water treatment solutions to provide innovative, efficient, and sustainable solutions. Our approach combines cutting-edge technology with nature's wisdom:

  1. Custom-designed systems: We tailor our biological treatment systems to meet the specific needs of each client, considering factors such as water composition, flow rate, and treatment goals.
  2. Advanced bioreactor design: Our bioreactors maximize the surface area for biofilm growth, ensuring optimal contact between microorganisms and contaminants.
  3. Smart monitoring and control: We incorporate advanced sensors and control systems to maintain ideal conditions for biological treatment, ensuring consistent performance.
  4. Hybrid solutions: When necessary, we combine biological treatment with other technologies to address complex water treatment challenges.
  5. Sustainable operations: Our systems are designed for energy efficiency and minimal waste production, aligning with our commitment to environmental stewardship.
  6. Ongoing support: We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure our clients can effectively operate and maintain their biological water treatment systems for years to come.


Biological water treatment is a blend of evolution and human innovation. As we face more and more water challenges globally, this approach offers a sustainable, efficient, and versatile solution for water purification. At BioprocessH2O, we're proud to be at the forefront of this technology, helping clients across industries achieve their water treatment goals while respecting the environment.

By choosing biological water treatment, you're not just cleaning water – you're investing in a sustainable future where clean water and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Contact BioprocessH2O today to learn how our biological water treatment solutions can address your specific water challenges.

by Peter Annunziato, M.Sc. (Engineering), P.E.

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