Pine Brook Country Club
Pine Brook Country Club in MA now meets groundwater discharge limits with a bioFAS™ IFAS system, effectively reducing BOD and nitrogen levels."
bioFAS™ IFAS Packaged System for sanitary wastewater treatment
Golf Course & Country Club
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), TSS & Total Nitrogen Removal and Disinfection

Application Parameters
bioprocessH2O is equipped with a team of experts experienced in the wastewater industry. We provide solutions by offering innovative wastewater treatment systems that are custom built to each client’s needs and specifications. Allow bioprocessH2O to help you get the most out of your water with these recommended treatment systems.

The Problem
Pine Brook Country Club in MA was in need of a new onsite wastewater treatment system to meet stringent Permit limits for groundwater discharge.
The Solution
bioprocessH2O supplied a bioFAS™ Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Equipment Package that allow for below grade installation providing good esthetics as the system was installed adjacent to the golf course and putting green.
The Results
The bioFAS™ IFAS Treatment System effectively reduces the BOD and total nitrogen levels below regulatory standards and effluent requirements for discharge to the soil adsorption system.
of BOS removed
of TSS removed